M&A Project Abstracts

Optimization of Organizational Predictability and Capability Performance by Dynamic Analyses of  VoC, VoB, VoT, VoP… Contingencies 

Develop and implement a scalable contingency analysis optimization engine  to provide quantitative data for organizational, product and process performance behavioral change decisions for a global product marketing and product realisation organizations performance to monitor and maximize business return on engineering development investment. (Voice of…Business, Customer, Technology, Process..et cetera)

Optimizing SW & Systems Validation & Verification Strategies and Tactics

Optimization of  complex system and software verification and validation methods and practices to maximize expectations of customer perceived product quality attributes by applying conditional probability theory.  Bayes Theorem and Bayes Networks.

The Quantitative Balancing of the Producer Risk/Consumers Risk

Optimization and prioritization of customer care domain processes and resource distribution to understand and adjust the customers perceived product quality to meet and then drive changes to exceed the voice of the business and voice of the quality expectations from a voice of a business perspective.

SRE (Software Reliability Engineering)

Application of calibrated System and Software Reliability Engineering  product calculations to quantitatively drive market release decisions. SW release readiness cost balance.

Agile SW & Systems Methodologies

Analysis of the impact on organizational productivity and marketing targets of a global migration from traditional software and systems development paradigm to an agile methods platform.

Monitoring and Control of Organizational Economic Performance Through Measurement & Analytics

Maximizing organizational performance through capability and predictability measures and analysis and driving behavioral change and continual improvements paradigm.

Collaborative and Predictive Product Marketing/Engineering 

Collaborate in the design, development  and implementation of a global PMfSS (Product Marketing for Six Sigma) organizational and domain level training program to bring together the a business units product marketing and engineering domains to improve the efficiency and effectivity of communications of Voice of the Customer and Voice of the Technology. Critical Parameter Management. NUDs, House of Quality. Trained four global geographies. Developed and implemented an assessment method to ensure due diligence which demonstrated weaknesses in the research prior to engineering launch.

Organizational Maturity Growth through Training, Coaching and Mentoring

Grow an emergent organizational and domain awareness and focus on quantitative measurement and analysis methods and approaches with measureable (metrics) results to optimize organizational, product and process performance through training, coaching and mentoring of LEAN Six Sigma Continuous Improvements  and SW Engineering Institutes Capability Maturity Modeling Integrated. 

Continual Improvement

Measurement, analysis and implementation of continual improvements of global customer support processes to drive optimization and behavioral change to maximize efficiency and effectivity performance, minimize operating expenditures (OPEX)

Design Failure Modes and Effects Analysis

Innovate, implement and lead a quantitative Design Failure Modes and Effects Analysis (DFMEA)  for the 2013 summer Olympics in London UK between O2 Airwaves, OEMs and the London Met Police for risk analyses and mitigation of the public safety communications prior to and during the games.